We believe that our corporate advisory services can meet the challenges of the future.
We believe that our corporate advisory services can meet the challenges of the future through a number of effective strategies. We are not a dealer/broker and are not licensed and do not offer brokerage or financial brokerage services. We work with licensed brokerage firms and funds and finance groups and bridge the gap to introduce you to such groups/entities.
How we do help:
Offer Capital Market Advisory Services at Fixed Prices – All of our advisory services are provided at fixed prices. This provides you cost certainty and the ability to plan out your projects.
Focus on Micro-Cap and Middle Markets – We know our strengths and we focus there. The micro-cap and middle market have been serviced by our professionals for the last twenty-five years – so we know the issues and opportunities companies face in these sectors.
Emerging Markets – We have been working in China, India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and South America and Europe and in industries such as cannabis, health sciences, media and entertainment, etc.
There are many reasons why traditional advisory firms are not effective in breaking into global markets and why we are well positioned to better service you; i.e., the firms in such emerging economies which truly have high growth potential.
Our long-term relationships with established broker/dealers, our experience advising clients and knowing many capital market partners allows us to interface clients to proper and licensed funding groups.

We value long-term relationships and work closely with you, helping you achieve your financial goals.
We can advise in the following types of transactions (and have hands-on experience in each):
- Direct listings on stock exchanges (i.e., the CSE)
- IPOs
- RTOs
- Reverse mergers
- Management buy-outs and buy-ins
- Introduction to groups involved in expansion capital
- Go private transactions
We have the flexibility to advise on a variety of types of financing (e.g., ordinary shares, preference shares, debentures, junior or mezzanine loans and various derivative products).
RwE works closely with owners, executives and management teams to determine the requirements of the company and logical options going forward.
Key Differentiators
Flexible investment mandate with Fixed Fee Business Model
Unlike some large advisory firms, we do not work in situations where we would have financial or other conflicts of interest.
We have the advantage of not being bound by 3rd party fund acquisition and disposal time horizon pressures. Instead, we advise our clients as to what their options are.
We examine projects and entities such that they should occur as and when quality investments are found that adhere to the investment principles of: (1) partnership; (2) value creation, and; (3) uncompromising moral and ethical standards.
Track record
RwE, and Richard Evans, has a well-established track record of advising on successful transactions and in helping our clients in a wide range of businesses.
Fixed Fee
All work that RwE does we do under a fixed fee basis. No surprises, no extra costs.
We do what we say and we do it in the budget we agreed to up front.
Simple and easier.
We are on-call during business hours and will assist you as best as possible.
You can reach out to Richard Evans whenever you need him.